1. Refresh guide for tri-mode hotswap PCB
2. Refresh guide for wired hotswap PCB
Refresh guide for tri-mode hotswap PCB
①Open QMK,import hex file,click auto flash. QMK download

②Turn off the switch on the pcb(right to off), unplug USB_C cable, press FN+ESC a while and not release, then plug USB_C cable. It will refresh sucessfully.
And then unplug and plug USB-C cable, it will work.

Refresh guide for wired hotswap PCB
①Press ESC key not release, and then unplug USB-C cable, and then plug USB-C cable, then release ESC key, there will show a "WIND_STUDIO(H)" driver on your computer list, then drag this uf2 file into "WIND_STUDIO(H)" this driver. Then it will refresh successfully.
②Take out the capslock keycap,you can see two points as this picture and use tweezers as this picture,there will show a "WIND_STUDIO(H)" driver on your computer list, then drag this uf2 file into "WIND_STUDIO(H)" this driver. Then it will refresh successfully.